Friday, March 29, 2019


MUSINGS - March 2, 2019


Matthew 16:24-26 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Those who want to come with me must say no to the things they want, pick up their crosses, and follow me. Those who want to save their lives will lose them. But those who lose their lives for me will find them. What good will it do for people to win the whole world and lose their lives? Or what will a person give in exchange for life?

Jesus's message to his disciples then and to us now is the sane. If any one of us wants to be his disciple, we must not do only what we ourselves want to do. We must be willing to let people hurt us and disgrace us. In Jesus's time on earth they humiliated criminals and made then carry a cross to the place where the criminals were executed. Though in this age and in most countries the criminals aren't brutalized before their exicution there is certainly humiliation through the trial and incarceration. That is what anyone who wants to be his disciple must be willing to do. We must do that, because those who try to save their lives by denying that they belong to Jesus when people want to kill them for believing in him will not live eternally, but those who are killed because of being his disciples will live with God eternally. Some people might get everything they desire in this world, but if they do not follow Jesus, they would really be gaining nothing because they would not get eternal life! So, really what would they have gained if they have not become his disciples? They will have lost their eternal life! There is absolutely nothing that people can give to God that would enable them to gain eternal life, it can not be purchased. Have you secured your life eternal buy following Jesus? This earthly life is but the tiniest portion of eternity. Your tomorrow is not guaranteed but you CAN have your forever life guaranteed by giving everything over to Jesus's control. He died so that you might live. Accept that free gift while you are still able.

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